Who Am I?

Fourth-Generation South Dakotan
Proud Husband and Father of Three
Small Business Owner
Community Volunteer and EMT
What Are My Goals?
- Secure and upgrade utility infrastructure
- Expand access to wired broadband options
- Increase utility competition where it will benefit the public
- Advocate for utility customers and landowners
- Improve and protect our utilities for future generations
Why Gideon Oakes?
As a fourth-generation South Dakotan, I love our state and our people. When Mary and I chose to start our family, we never considered doing it anywhere else. This is our home, and it’s worth protecting.
That’s why I’m running for Public Utilities Commissioner. I want to help ensure that my children and grandchildren grow up with infrastructure that is both secure and up to date. They should never have to wonder if the lights will turn on when it’s dark, or if their furnace will start when it’s cold. They should also have the ability to access the technology they need to eventually take part in an ever-evolving and connected workforce.
I’m a husband, a father, a friend and a neighbor, seeking to do what’s best for my state. I believe government service should be a calling, not a career. Our government has enough career politicians in it. In fact, the current three-member commission has nearly half a century of combined tenure. I say it’s time for someone with a fresh perspective.
Rather than constantly thinking about the next election or bowing to the will of special interests that can raise money for me, I will be a consistent advocate for the public, including utility subscribers and landowners alike.
I’m a small business owner and a volunteer EMT in my hometown of Keystone. My family owns and operates a seasonal bed and breakfast and cabins. In addition to the family business, I have worked throughout my career in the technology and logistics sectors.
I was honored to be elected twice to the town board of Keystone, and outside of politics, I have been active for many years in the civic community, including organizing the Haunting of Keystone and serving on the Boards of Black Hills & Badlands Association, the Keystone Rural Fire Protection District and United Way of the Southern Black Hills.
I ask for your support this November. Help me bring that fresh perspective and new ideas to the PUC.